- except it's just a character ranking.

I wrote this because a Nisekoi character song featuring Kosaki on the cover with her hair kinda like Haru's came up while I was listening to Hare Hare Yukai on Soundcloud, and I realized I had never definitively written down my complete breakdown of the best characters in Nisekoi. Anyways, I've now put more effort into this introduction than into the main post so here ya go
Chitoge > Haru > Onodera Nanako > Kirisaki Hana > Ruri > Raku > Shuu > Yui > Kosaki > Adelt Kirisaki Wagner > Ryuunosuke > Ichijou Issei > Tsugumi > Paula McCoy > Claude > Tachibana Gen > a flaming dumpster > Tachibana Marika